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From the press

Dozens of investors who invested the best of their money were amazed to discover on the morning of April 11, 2024, that the man with whom they had invested their money, Eli Shemesh, was arrested by the Securities Authority on suspicion of pyramid fraud and unauthorized management of investor funds. Eli Shemesh allegedly promised the many investors a high and safe monthly return and they dreamed of the big money. The investors who were exposed to the announcement contacted Eli Shemesh to find out what was happening and to get their money back, but did not get a response. This is where our firm, which specializes among other things in the issue of insolvency, together with the law firm of Nimrod Harel, came in to represent the dozens of investors with the aim of returning their money estimated at millions of shekels. Since then, we have been working diligently to initiate insolvency proceedings against Eliyahu Shemesh, who is suspected of fraud, and to appoint a trustee to take over Shemesh's assets, and we are doing everything to return our clients' money before it is transferred to third parties. Since the disclosure of the affair in "Yediot Ahronoth" and "Wint", we have received inquiries from other investors who fell victim to the act of fraud and we are handling them. As a firm that specializes, among other things, in insolvency, we recommend to exercise caution, to require the service provider to obtain a license from the Securities Authority, not to be tempted by promises of a guaranteed return and extremely high profit percentages.

You are welcome to contact our office for professional advice and representation in the field.

Below is an article published on the subject on the YNET website (click on the title to go to the full article):

הונאת פירמידה - אלי שמש
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